Jumat, 22 November 2013


Man, his name Riri, 30 years old, works as a guard in Faculty of Pharmacy Unpad. He had been killed by 15 person. Based on report Ruedy de Vriest as Police Jatinangor at www.regional.kompas.com that some killer are teens, from yunior high school and senior high school. They killed him because revenge had separated when dangdut partied.

People in Jatinangor are concerned students had killed him. When a students was interrogated by police, he said “that he just followed his friends”. So, what were they thinking when they killed him? And then who is to blame for the actions of their negatives? Is their family, their environment or their school?

As a human, there is no family that desire their sons do mistakes actions. In environment too, we can’t still keep sons when they associate with their friends. If we forbid anything to them, they will more and more do it. Therefore, we must increase their positive personality. If their positive personality increase, they will have abilty to choose a good environment to confront permuiscuity to the influence of rapid technological.

They can follow guide and counseling at school through the book, which is called bibliotheraphy. We can guide and do counseling at school in order that increase the potencial their positive personality, can solve problem, and can adapt to its environment. According to Yuliawati in the Journal Visi Pustaka, counselor or teacher guide and counseling should chapture the main message from student and give priority to purpose student (Yuliawati, 21:2011).

Book as a media to obtain information and knowledge, and too as a therapy or healing for the students with hearing mental, trauma, and stress. Book as a therapy media is called bibliotheraphy. According to Jachna in Yuliawati on Visi Pustaka Journal, bibliotheraphy is “encourgment psikotheraphy through book for help some people that have problem. This therapy media is high recommended, especially for students who are difficult to verbally express his personal problems” (Yuliawati, 21:2011).

Counselor or teacher the guide and counseling and the libraryan can cooperate to persuade them to read book that they like, discuss, write, and tell about their personal experiences. A book can be a media to self reflextion and controlling emotions readers. There are sympathy and empaty of story characters.

So, the student can do positive and can distinguish where is good action or wrong action. We can’t improve thing in the past. But we will can begin in the nearest environment of them. There are no mistakes that can’t be fixed.

*Naskah ini dibawakan saat pidato di International Meeting KEC Course.

Perdana, Putra Prima. 2013. Pelaku Utama Pembunuh Satpam Unpad Masih Buron. Pada website http://regional.kompas.com/read/2013/11/04/1627599/Pelaku.Utama.Pembunuh.Satpam.Unpad.Masih.Buron [Diakses pada 12 November 2013].
Yuliawati, Redita. 2011. Pelayanan Bimbingan dan Konseling Berbasis Biblioterapi: Sebuah Upaya Pengembangan Perpustakaan Sekolah.  Jurnal Visipustaka, Vol. 13, No. 3, Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional R.I. Hal. 19-24

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